不知道大家有没有听说过这个歌手--christopher cross,我是最近才听到他的一些早期歌曲,一下子就被征服了,声音柔细飘扬,尤其是高音部分更是完美无暇的声音。
Sheriff 的"When I'm With You" 是 one hit wonder 的代表,那么 Christopher Cross 则是被喩为明日之星的歌手却快速殒落的例子.以同名专辑中的亚军曲"Ride Like the Wind"及冠军曲"Sailing"崛起于1980年的他,旋即在隔年以势如破竹之势拿下包括最佳新人及年度最佳歌曲(Sailing) 等5座葛莱美奖,他的事业在当年年底以"Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)"得到排行3周冠军及奥斯卡最佳歌曲时达到颠峰.但之后在83年推出的专辑"Another Page"却让等待的歌迷大失所望,而"Think of Laura"即是专辑中唯一一首大家较熟悉的单曲,曾在84年2月份得到第9名的成绩,而从此以后,他就不曾再进入过Top 40排行过了...
Swept awaySwept away
这两天重看<成长的烦恼>,在一个上下两集<渡假>中听到这首歌,当时只听到一些片断,也不知道歌名,今天上网找了好久,终于找到以上些资料,并DOWN下来,感觉这首歌实在太美了,大家一定要听,还有Growing pain 这个剧集实在是经典,电视里已看了好几遍了,现在看DVD的感觉还是像第一遍那样有趣与温馨。
以下是一些外国网友对SWEPT AWAY 的评价
cherry Feb 21, 2003 @ 09:33 PM
seems everybody identifies d song frm d growing pains episode..i dont know who benefited more but for sure nothing would be more fitting than having that episode & the song play forever in our minds..such romantics..im not shy to tell
Nick Oct 22, 2002 @ 07:21 PM
Yeah, I just finished watching part 2 of the trip to Hawaii. I find it odd that all these comments were posted since July of this year. Did this song all of a sudden find it's way back to the radio or something?
But yeah this song is great...
Marygrace Oct 13, 2002 @ 02:14 AM
When I first heard this song, I thought to myself..."what a cute song!" Its the lyrics & yes I do remember it being on Growing Pains. One question...what is Christopher Cross doing these days? Is he still alive?
Chris Oct 3, 2002 @ 12:55 AM
I love this song. It's pretty. He's a good songwriter.
Anonymous Oct 1, 2002 @ 05:57 PM
Ron, I remember this episode from Growing Pains. Mike meets Kelly, then he uses his savings to fly back to Hawaii and see her again. He tells her that he "was in the neighborhood". The song plays, and then he finds out that she has a son - tragic in those days. Beautiful song, and that episode always comes to mind when thinking of love lost before it even happened.
Anonymous Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:01 AM
I love this song
anne Sep 7, 2002 @ 12:25 PM
my sister and i love this song!
ava Sep 7, 2002 @ 12:21 PM
i really like this song so much!!!i wonder why it didn't get as much attention as the other songs of christopher cross. it seems like only few people know this song.
Rona Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:31 PM
I remember this song from Growing Pains. Thats why I looked it up on the internet. Its so pretty I'm downloading it right now on Kaaza so I can listen to it in my car! Thanks.
Ron Jul 30, 2002 @ 05:29 PM
It seems i'm the only person in the world that knows this song?? does anyone knows where it's from???? Growing Pains when they go to Hawaii. and Mike falls in love with that Hawaiian girl, played by Kelly Hu, same girl from Scorpian King?? does anyone know what I'm talking about???????
Christopher Cross
Words by Christopher Cross and John Bettis
Music by Christopher Cross and Steve Dorff
I never had anything happen so fast
I took one look and I shattered like glass
I guess I let it show 'cause your smile told me you knew
That you're everything I ever wanted at once
There's no holding this heart when it knows what it wants
And I never wanted anything more than to know you
I was swept away
No one in the world but you and I
Gotta find a way to make you feel the way that I do
I was swept away
Without a warning
Like night when the morning begins the day
I was swept away
And so it begins
This journey of love
The summer wind carries us to places all our own
The words of a look
The language of touch
The way that you want me means so much
And I never wanted anything more than to love you
Seeing my tomorrows in your eyes
I was swept away
I hope I wake up soon
I'm a victim of that crazy moon
The very first time you said my name
I knew it would never sound the same
Something about me is changed forever
christopher cross 的照片:

[ Last edited by frank on 2004-4-11 at 22:35 ] |