发表于 2011-11-20 10:07
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本帖最后由 Karen_Koerner 于 2011-11-19 20:09 编辑
First-that is the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen. I read up on Ma Yanli and Zhang Zhao Da a little bit. They both are very famed in their fields, especially Zhang. I have a feeling the stuff that is way out there is Zhang. Is eccentric the right word?
I revel in the rich fabrics they have access too, the beautiful workmanship, and the elegance of the ornamentation. I read another article that claimed that Chinese couture designers have to get away from traditional Chinese elements to move into the big time. I think that is the craziest thing I have ever heard. The most beautiful gowns worn by Chinese actresses on the red carpets at world film festivals always have traditional Chinese elements.
I saw photos of gowns designed for the two Bing Bing's-Fan and Li-that had fabric based on Chinese blue and white porcelain and they were stunning.
Have you noticed I have opinions on everything and am not afraid to express them!!!!
The opinionated American lady.
KK |
Chyi Chin's biggest fan in
Minnesota, USA. |