I love all your photos, especially the ones of your beautiful lady. I think that is where your daughter gets her gracefulness. Did you drive about Italy in a little car like that?
When I was 14 years old, I wanted to go to Europe more than anything else in the world. I sent for booklets and brochures and timetables from all over Europe. Strangely enough, I decided on Greece and the Greek Isles, especially Crete, as my first trip. I knew all the money and it's exchange rate. I went through Penney's catalogs picking a wardrobe and luggage. I was ready! The only problem was I was too young and I had no money. Years passed and the dream just somehow slipped away. But I was ready! (I even know why I chose Crete. In 1964 Disney put out a movie called "The Moonspinners". It took place on Crete and was a kind of an action-mystery. It was Hayley Mill's first grown up role, and I of course wanted to be Hayley Mills!! Ha Ha) |
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