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Those early years in the reformatory must have been much harder on him than I thought. I know he was confined at home after that and then served in the military for 3 years. Is that mandatory for young men in Taiwan? Then he worked to get recognized in music for several years. He basically lost the years of his youth from 16 to 23 or 24 years old, but those must be the experiences that formed him.

I think his first album was sugary pop music that sounded like they were trying to make him a record company creation. When he blazed out with “Wolf” he was already 26 years old, and he certainly had found his own voice. He must have had people who believed in him to get that album made. I think that success allowed him to have his own voice, thank heavens. Since I have been corresponding with you guys, I have gone back to earlier works and I have much more appreciation for young Chyi Chin. Man, he was so good! He got better, and better, and better………… He never stops learning.

He must have been a bit of a wild young man. When he says Wang Zuxian's parents didn't approve of him, it's probably true. Something else I sense from interviews is that he regrets, and possibly feels inferior, for not having a University education. He seems to want to teach music at some point.

Gong-I visited your wonderful website and I especially like your music choices. I recognized a lot of the songs. I love "Fool's Wharf" (?) with Panda Xiong. I also saw the terrific photos of the Chyi Chin press  conference/fan meeting. Where did it take place?
Are you the one presenting him with a gift? How exciting. You must tell me about it. If you'd like to write in Chinese I will use a translator.

Before I forget-Hey, Hey SLK. I didn't sign up, several wonderful people did it for me because I could never figure out how.

More later,
I went back and looked at older pictures and you are right, he always smiled  with his mouth closed or gives a little half smile. That was ok when he was trying to look like a dangerous bad boy.
If he had bad teeth that is a habit people get into, always keeping their mouth closed when they smile. One thing I have noticed recently is that he gives a full 1000 watt smile and he smiles with his eyes. You can always tell how this guy is doing by his eyes. Lately this man has been very joyful. Here I have been giving credit to Ya Ya for ** him happy and maybe it's just his teeth!!  No matter what, that smile is a pleasure to see.

The photos are just wonderful. What a marvelous gift. Do you live in Xi'an? Did you get to go to the concert?

The link will not work for me. It just keeps asking me to log in and every time I do it rejects it.  ???  Any other description of where it is so I can go hunting?  What subject and date?

Did you see me on Chyi Chin's Sina Blog.? Those are terrible pictures and I really don't look that old and fat darn it. It was so hot, and I waited in the heat so long that my head was fried. My face is red from sunburn and even the part in my hair was sunburned!!! The cop on duty kept telling me to come in and sit down, but I was afraid I would miss him. I would have because he came in the side driveway and went in a side door.

I went back and listened to the album from which your name comes. It's very, very good. Wonderful musicianship. Now that I know about the dialect I could clearly hear it. It is not as harsh as Cantonese, and it sounds like it has less syllables than Mandarin.  He does a little rock on that album too.

Hey Gong-Never mind. I tried one more time and it went through. I can look at the pages.

the Red Star Erguotou in Beijing , the sorghum wine in Taiwan .
                        I guess he must liked the Hengshui Dry wine(衡水老白干)......

Unless I'm mistaken this is some pretty potent stuff. I'm so curious. I know it's cultural to drink in banquet settings or when celebrating. If I remember reading old articles, the rainbow band used to fill their water bottles with "white liquor" and drink while performimg to really get things going, so it wasn't unheard of that liquor was part of the creative process. They probably just matured out of needing it. I also remember reading that Chyi Chin might loosen up his voice when recording with a little white liquor. I have songs that I label "white liquor voice" because they are absolute velvet!!  He obviously drinks to relax. I have this crazy idea that the year he was home studying the classics and English and developing a persona he may have been influenced by the characteristics of the Tang poets who if I understand correctly used liquor to free their creative impulses and spent a lot of time contemplating nature under the influence. Any other theories????

Please tell the truth if I am just a crazy American!!!!
Your photos of the Aug 1st concert are wonderful. It looks like you all had such a good time, and made a weekend out of it. I'm amazed you were able to meet him at the airport, and he certainly takes the time to greet fans. I like that one photo where you are looking at miniature terracotta figures. It would be the dream of my life to visit China, but I'm afraid that will only happen if I win the lottery!! So if I ever win the lottery-LOOK OUT-I'll be there.

I'm going to ask a really dumb question. Is this the official Chyi Chin Fan Page and is this the official Chyi Chin Fan Forum?

Thank you for sharing,

PS: If anyone runs into Chyi Chin-tell him hello from Karen in Minnesota!!

[ 本帖最后由 Karen_Koerner 于 2010-8-25 08:49 编辑 ]
The card is great. I really like it. We've got to get on Chyi Chin to get his page updated. It should be State of the Art! He's the guy interested in every new technology that comes along-always on the cutting edge. Doesn't he buy every new thing? What was it in Taiwan-sunglasses that record? Isn't he the one who uses every new sound equipment that comes out? There must be talented people in his company that could turn out a good page that's up to date.  (Maybe they could include some English content He He.)  What do you think?

Xiaoge-Please  Update the Page (for all of us adoring fans)
Karen in Minnesota
You are right. Happy and Healthy-the most important. I think he is both and he's a lucky man.
( I give Ya Ya a lot of credit for that. My intuition tells me she has made him a home. I have nothing but the best wishes for them.)
I wanted to ask a question-I was reading the terrible story about the hostage taking of Hong Kong tourists on a Manila bus. The video was just tragic. Several posters mentioned you should have sent changguan.
What are Changguan? I was reading about it on chinaSMACK.com

Wow. Just shows I have a nose for a joke and didn't even know it. I am familiar with who they are and what they do. I've even seen cartoons of them.  I just didn't know what they were called!

Everyone. You must tell me what city you are from so I can look them up. I already know a few. Has anyone looked Minnesota up yet?
