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标题: 转:十个世界上最难回答的问题 [打印本页]

作者: sandyyhl    时间: 2010-9-21 09:01     标题: 转:十个世界上最难回答的问题



互联网搜索引擎Ask Jeeves公布了一个名单,列出了它所称的过去十年里发现的十个最难回答的问题。

这一名单是从2000年Ask Jeeves成立以来,从该网站上的大约11亿个问题中挑选出来的。


Ask Jeeves说,这是因为许多网友在美国电视连续剧《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)播完之后,在Ask Jeeves网站上打听那名黑道人物的下落。

Ask Jeeves还说,它准备设立一个“棘手问题”网页,帮助网友探讨那些最难回答的问题的答案。

Ask Jeeves网站自成立起,伴随着它的形象代言人“男管家”,一直在努力与包括谷歌在内的其它更受欢迎的搜索引擎竞争。

Ask Jeeves不仅有传统的关键字搜索的功能,也有让使用者提出问题,然后搜索答案的功能。

(BBC中文 网)

Here is the list:

1) What is the meaning of life? (生命的意义是什么?)
2) Is there a God? (有没有上帝)
3) Do blondes have more fun? (金发女郎是否别别人有更多的乐趣)
4) What is the best diet? (什么是最佳的减肥餐?)
5) Is there anybodyout there? (太空里有没有其他人?)
6) Who is the most famous person in the world?(谁是世界上最有名的人?)
7) What is love? (什么是爱?)
8) What is the secret to happiness? (幸福的秘密是什么?)
9) Did Tony Soprano Die? (托尼•瑟普拉诺已经死了吗?)
10) How long will I live? (我还能活多久?)

[ 本帖最后由 sandyyhl 于 2010-9-21 09:03 编辑 ]
作者: zzj750118    时间: 2010-9-21 22:19

作者: sandyyhl    时间: 2010-9-22 10:06

Here are my answers, top ones are mine,  the others I think they are very funny...

To live, and how to live
(if you look at the circle of life, birth, reproduction and death, you would wonder why we are here. When you see the children born, when you try to justify every day of your life, when you have to say goodbye to someone you care about. you will find the meaning of life: to feel, to learn, to love and to survive)

That’s an easy one: so you can DIE and go to Heaven!

Yes, when you are praying for a miracle

I don't know, wait until I meet all of them.

I’m dying my hair now – watch this space for updates.

Don’t get fat.

Id say shut the fridge door .

Yes, you and me

No. everybody is in!

Me, I know Me, people who I know all know Me

Ronald McDonald

Love is to share the Laugh, have your eyes on One, give hime/her something Very special, and Empathize

Love is a four letter word.

Love is what you make it

Ask your mother. She loves you.

There is no secret, it is how you feel about yourself and how you treat the others, little things can bring great enjoyment.

I have the answer but it is a secret.

To wake up and discover you’re not dead.

Never seen the show, don’t know who he is,

If he hasn’t, he will

As long as Tomorrow still comes.

[ 本帖最后由 sandyyhl 于 2010-10-22 06:26 编辑 ]

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