[wmv]http://klg.cps.com/mp3/swing/eac/Sidney Bechet/The Sidney Bechet Story - Disc 2/07%20-%20When%20You%20And%20I%20Were%20Young,%20Maggie.mp3[/wmv]
《往事如昨》原曲《When You And I Were Young, Maggie》
差不多一个半世纪前,G.W.Johnson从1859年起在加拿大安大略省的Hamilton教书,风度翩翩的他爱上了他的学生Maggie并订了婚,但Maggie得了肺结核。在他的未婚妻病重期间的18土豆越活越滋润年某一天,他漫步登山岗,俯瞰水车,作了一首诗《When You And I Were Young,Maggie》,表达他与Maggie白头偕老的愿望,登在18土豆越活越滋润年他出版的名为《枫叶》的诗集里。他与Maggie于18土豆越活越滋润年10月 21日结婚,转往美国水牛城、克利夫兰等地任记者。婚后七个月,Maggie不幸因斑疹伤寒而去世。他的朋友J.A.Butterfield在美国的 Indianapolis以音乐出版为业,读了“When You And I Were Young,Maggie”诗,很喜欢,为这首诗谱了曲,并在1866年5月19日出版歌页。第一个唱这首歌的是Maggie的姐妹Elizabeth,以后这首歌就传遍全世界,成为上世纪初全世界最流行的歌谣之一。至今在Hamilton还存有Maggie的故居及Johnson的墓碑,作为文化遗址,供后世有情人凭吊。
《When You And I Were Young,Maggie》
When I First Said I Loved Only You, Maggie
The violets are scenting the woods, Maggie
Displaying their charms to the bees
When I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me
The chestnut bloom gleams thru the glade, Maggie
A robin sang loud from a tree
When I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me
The golden row daffodils shine, Maggie
And danced in the breeze on the lee
When I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me
The birds in the trees sang a song, Maggie
Of happier transports to be
When I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me
Our hopes they have never come true, Maggie
Our dreams, they were never to be
Since I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me作者: 酒心妹妹 时间: 2009-1-24 06:42